Panama City Beach promotes GT CREW!

Post date: Mar 27, 2011 8:24:07 PM

The Panama City Beach Tourism Bureau and Visitors Center contacted the GT Crew team about promoting Panama City Beach for Spring Break while earning money for the team since we go there for training every year. For every unique entry in the raffle received, they received one dollar. The team made about $800 through this event and some great contacts in PCB!

The main event was in the Student Center on Wednesday February 23rd where students rallied up fellow classmates and gathered people to enter. CNN came to film the event and a short report was seen on The Wolf Blitzer report. We were also in an AJC newspaper article.

College spring breakers may be considered undesirable by some beach towns, but Panama City Beach is courting the young party crowd, hoping they will spread the word to other demographics that the tar balls are gone and the water's fine.

Georgia Tech Crew Team Trains In Panama City Beach

03/20/11 - 08:08 PM

Alison Posey -

The Georgia Tech row team is on their Spring Break in Panama City Beach. The crew is no stranger to Bay County, as this is their 20th straight year coming to the area and training in the Lagoon waters. The team makes the journey to Panama City Beach every year to not only to make substantial speed gains, but to also bond as a team.

They team train twice a day, once in the morning and again in the late afternoon. They typically row 20 miles a day. The Yellow Jackets also takes advantage of the beach, using it for endurance runs and swimming. Each team member is responsible for preparing a meal for another team member, and the coach also has the team doing trivia, games and various competitions to stay sharp out of the water.

When they’re not training, the kids like to take in the sights just as their Spring Break peers are doing.

“Once you get your work you can,” says one team member. “You can just go out to the beach, have fun, do crazy stuff like the slingshots, like your still a college student on Spring Break.”

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