Georgia Tech Crew
Introduction & Mission
The humble beginnings:
In the early months of 2008, Georgia Tech Crew Alumni decided it was time to make an official organization. A small group of graduates spoke with the GT Alumni Association and realized the potential to become an Affinity Group. These alumni formed a steering committee (which created a charter for the group), designed an official logo, and organized the first event. The GT Crew Alumni Affinity Group was officially recognized by the Alumni Association on August 12th, 2008. The constitution was adapted one year later, and is published below.
Benefits of being an Affinity Group:
- The Alumni Association facilitates Affinity Groups with alumni contacts. In addition, they communicate with GTCA members by sending official e-mails from the institution.
- Affinity Group's have access to the GT Alumni House as well as numerous locations for meetings, happy hours, meet and greets, seminars and events. In addition, the members of the group will be invited to a variety of events held by the Alumni Association throughout the year.
- An Affinity Group is an official group that is registered within the institution. Visibility for the GTCA and for GT Crew can be created at a higher level and with greater validity.
- The Affinity Group will eventually be able to provide support to the team in ways that GT Crew has never seen before in terms of recruitment, funding, alumni connectivity, and more .
General membership in this organization is open to any persons interested in the mission of the GT Crew Affinity Group. Specifically membership shall be open to all faculty, staff, alumni, coaches, friends and students who have participated in the GT Crew club. This includes past and present coaches and friends of GT Crew. If you're not sure you're on the list, please update or add your information here.
There is no cost to be a member of the GTCA. Although we appreciate any support you can give to both the team and the GTCA. So if you would like to support the organization, you can make donations here or purchase merchandise here.
GTCA members are entitled to:
- Newsletters and e-mail communication
- Free entry to GTCA sponsored events, such as Homecoming Tailgate, Spring Picnic, Dad Vail, etc.
The GTCA has also been able to provide the following for all of its members:
- Organize the Atlanta Erg Sprints, where we raise money for the current team in addition to annual GTCA operational funds
- Host an annual homecoming tailgate on campus for all GTCA members and their friends and family
- Host elections for all board member positions
- Release quarterly newsletters to 300+ individuals, providing a way for our members to stay in touch with one another
- Organize at team for the Pi Mile Road Race, (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014 winners of a $500 scholarship for GT Crew)
- Establish new and solid relationships with alumni groups in other cities (Philadelphia, Boston, etc)
- Organize an event with local support at the Dad Vail Regatta each year
- Host the Annual Spring Picnic, where we present our yearly contribution to the team & induct graduating rowers into the GTCA